Animal Portraits

Creating timeless portraits of our treasured companions that will last a lifetime.

Buckskin horse in equine horse black background portrait photography near Atlanta Augusta Athens Macon Georgia/GA areas
chestnut mare conformation sales equine photo portrait
Goldendoodle puppy animal black background portrait photography near Atlanta Augusta Athens Macon Georgia/GA areas
crossbred dairy heifer animal black background portrait photography near Atlanta Augusta Athens Macon Georgia/GA areas
sorrel horse in equine horse black background portrait photography near Atlanta Augusta Athens Macon Georgia/GA areas
labrador dog pet animal black background portrait photography near Atlanta Augusta Athens Macon Georgia/GA areas
crossbred dairy heifer animal black background portrait photography near Atlanta Augusta Athens Macon Georgia/GA areas
horse wears a christmas wreath equine black background portrait photography near Atlanta Augusta Athens Macon Georgia/GA

I know how much you love your horse or pet, because as an owner of both I feel the same way. It's hard to describe the bond we have with our animals, but I think it's important to capture them while we can. Having portraits of them helps you hold onto their memories into the future and provides happiness now. If you are interested in animal photography message me through this site.